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New You - Hypnosis and Reiki

New You Hypnosis and Reiki Chelmsford and Westford is professional, affordable, and reliable!

Breathe Easy - Smoking Cessation - Stop Smoking Program 


Friends & Family

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Providing comprehensive smoking cessation programs to meet your individual needs 


New You Hypnosis and Reiki provides the "Breath Easy" smoking cessation program, customized to your individual requirements. "Breathe Easy" is a powerful stop smoking program to enable you to kick that unhealthy, expensive and dirty habit.


Unhealthy - for you and those around you
Did you know...
  • That smokers die significantly earlier than non-smokers? Over 13 years for men and over 14 years for women. Every time you smoke, you are reducing your average life expectancy. What will you do with those extra years?

  • That smoking causes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema), coronary heart disease, stroke, abdominal aortic aneurysm, acute myeloid leukemia, periodontitis, and bladder, esophageal, laryngeal, lung, oral, throat, cervical, kidney, stomach, and pancreatic cancers? 


  • That secondhand smoke inhaled by nonsmokers is classified by the EPA as a Group A carcinogen, and is responsible for almost 70,000 deaths annually in the United States? Who closest to you - children, family, friends - are needlessly at risk?


Breathe Easy - Start Today

Providing comprehensive stop smoking programs to meet your individual needs 


The Breathe Easy Smoking Cessation program from New You Hypnosis and Reiki is the way to reclaim your health when it comes to stopping smoking. A personally tailored, multi-session program that will allow you to kick the habit and breathe easy. Say goodbye to the health risks of continued smoking; the stink of smoke on your breath, hands and clothes. Save money for the rest of your life by not having to burn your dollars on that disgusting habit.

Do not be taken in by other "single session stop smoking" hypnosis offerings. While a single session may be what you need, a 'one size fits all' program is no where near as effective as the New You individually tailored Breathe Easy Smoking Cessation program. We will work with you to determine exactly what you need to be successful.


Breathe Easy is tailored to meet you wherever you are on your journey to stop smoking today. Every program includes an up-front, individual needs assessment to ensure the maximum benefit is provided to you. Call us to learn more about how you can take control of the smoking habit today.

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